

"Machine learning-based discovery of molecular descriptors that control polymer gas permeation", Sastry, T.; Basdogan, Y.; Wang, Z.-G.; Kumar, S.K., Carbone, M.R. J. Membrane Sci697, 122563(2024)

"Mechanical Properties of Polyisoprene-Based Elastomer Composites", Dhara, D.; Rahman, M.A.; Ruzicka, E.; Karekar, A.; Vlassopoulos, D.; Saalwächter, K.; Benicewicz, B.; Kumar, S.K., Macromolecules57, 1448(2024)


"Soft matter roadmap", Barrat, J.L.; Del Dado, E. et al., J. Phys. Mater.7, 012501(2023)

"Controlling the Self-Assembly of DNA Origami Octahedra via Manipulation of Inter-Vertex Interactions", Adhikari, S.; Minevich, B.; Redeker, D.; Michelson, A.N.; Shen, E.; Gang, O.; Kumar, S.K. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 145, 19578(2023)

"Ionic Conductivity and Mechanical Reinforcement of Well-Dispersed Polymer Nanocomposite Electrolytes." Tekell, M. C.; Nikolakakou, G.; Glynos, E.; Kumar, S. K. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 15 30756–30768 (2023)

"Nanoparticle Diffusion in Miscible Polymer Nanocomposite Melts." Mendez, N. F.; Dhara, D.; Zhang, Q.; Narayanan, S.; Schadler, L. S.; Müller, A. J.; Kumar, S. K. Macromolecules, 56 4658–4668 (2023)

"Activated Gas Transport in Polymer-Grafted Nanoparticle Membranes." Tannenbaum, R. J.; Cislo, N.; Ruzicka, E.; Dean, P. A.; Smith, Z. P.; Benicewicz, B. C.; Kumar, S. K. Macromolecules, 56 3954–3961 (2023)

"Dynamic Crosslinking Compatibilizes Immiscible Mixed Plastics." Clarke, R. W.; Sandmeier, T.; Franklin, K. A.; Reich, D.; Zhang, X.; Vengallur, N.; Patra, T. K.; Tannenbaum, R. J.; Adhikari, S.; Kumar, S. K.; Rovis, T.; Chen, E. Y.-X. Nature616 731–739 (2023)

"Enhanced efficiency of water desalination in nanostructured thin-film membranes with polymer grafted nanoparticles", Swain, A.; Adarsh, S.; Bissau, A., Bose, S.; Benicewicz, B.C.; Kumar, S.K.; Basu, J.K., Nanoscale15, 11935(2023)

"Directional Polymer Crystallisation with a Fast-Moving Sink." Purushothaman, A.; Adhikari, S.; Durning, C.; Kumar, S. K.; Thampi, S. P. Soft Matter, 19 4011–4020 (2023)


"Melt State Reinforcement of Polyisoprene by Silica Nanoparticles Grafted with Polyisoprene." Dhara, D.; Rahman, M. A.; Abbas, Z.; Ruzicka, E.; Benicewicz, B.; Kumar, S. K. ACS Macro Letters, 11 1325–1330 (2022)

"Crystallization Kinetics and Mechanical Properties of Miscible Polymer Blend Nanocomposites: Linear versus Grafted Systems." Altorbaq, A. S.; Alkhodairi, H.; Mendez, N. F.; Schadler, L. S.; Müller, A. J.; Kumar, S. K. Macromolecules55 8210–8221 (2022)

"Supernucleation Dominates Lignin/Poly(Ethylene Oxide) Crystallization Kinetics." Taverna, M. E.; Altorbaq, A. S.; Kumar, S. K.; Olmedo-Martínez, J. L.; Busatto, C. A.; Zubitur, M.; Mugica, A.; Nicolau, V. V.; Estenoz, D. A.; Müller, A. J. Macromolecules, 55 7663–7673 (2022)

"Organizing Nanoparticles in Semicrystalline Polymers by Modifying Particle Diffusivity." Mendez, N. F.; Altorbaq, A. S.; Müller, A. J.; Kumar, S. K. ACS Macro Letters, 11 882–888 (2022)

"Unusual High-Frequency Mechanical Properties of Polymer-Grafted Nanoparticle Melts." Jhalaria, M.; Cang, Y.; Huang, Y.; Benicewicz, B.; Kumar, S.K.; Fytas, G. Physical Review Letters, 128 187801 (2022)

"Understanding Gas Transport in Polymer-Grafted Nanoparticle Assemblies." Bilchak, C.R.; Jhalaria, M.; Adhikari, S.; Midya, J.; Huang, Y.; Abbas, Z.; Nikoubashman, A.; Benicewicz, B.C.; Rubinstein, M.; Kumar, S.K. Macromolecules, 55 3011-3019 (2022)

"Crystallization kinetics and nanoparticle ordering in semicrystalline polymer nanocomposites." Altorbaq, A.S.; Krauskopf, A.A.; Wen, X.; Pérez-Camargo, R.A.; Su, Y.; Wang, D.; Müller, A.J.; Kumar, S.K. Progress in Polymer Science, 128 101527 (2022)

"Modeling thermal welding of semicrystalline polymers." Adhikari, S.; Durning, C.J.; Fish, J.; Simon, J-W.; Kumar, S.K. Macromolecules, 55 1719-1725 (2022)

"In Situ Atomic Force Microscopy Tracking of Nanoparticle Migration in Semicrystalline Polymers." Bornani, K.; Mendez, N.F.; Altorbaq, A.S.; Müller, A.J.; Lin, Y.; Zhonghang Qu, E.; Zhang, K.; Kumar, S.K.; Schadler, L.S. ACS Macro Letters, 11 818-824 (2022)

"Fracture Toughness of Polymer Interfaces Compatibilized with Nanoparticle Brushes." Alkhodairi, H.; Kumar, S.K. Macromolecules, 55 4937-4946 (2022)

"Long-Term Aging in Miscible Polymer Nanocomposites." Jhalaria, M.; Jimenez, A.M.; Mathur, R.; Tekell, M.C.; Huang, Y.; Narayanan, S.; Benicewicz, B.C.; Kumar, S.K. Macromolecules, 55 4502-4515 (2022)

"Controlling toughness of polymer-grafted nanoparticle composites for impact mitigation." Chen, S.H.; Souna, A.J.; Stranick, S.J.; Jhalaria, M.; Kumar, S.K; Soles, C.L.; Chan, E.P. Soft Matter, 18 256-261 (2022)



"d-organized nanomaterials through dna-prescribed and valence-controlled material." Gang, O.; Tian, Y.; Kahn, J.S.; Xiong, Y.; Minevich, B.; Kumar, S.K., U.S. Patent App. US 17070643 (2021)

"Quantifying Nanoparticle Ordering Induced by Polymer Crystallization." Krauskopf, A.A.; Jimenez, A.M.; Altorbaq, A.S.; Müller, A.J.; Kumar, S.K. ACS Nano, 15 14430–14443 (2021)

"Structure and Dynamics of Stockmayer Polymer Electrolyte." Tekell, M.C.; Kumar, S.K. Macromolecules, 54 7160–7173 (2021)

"Gas Transport in Interacting Planar Brushes." Adhikari, S.; Nikoubashman, A.; Leibler, L.; Rubinstein, M.; Midya, J.; Kumar, S.K. ACS Polymers Au, 1 39-46 (2021)

"Why is Recycling of Postconsumer Plastics so Challenging?" Vogt, B.D.; Stokes, K.K.; Kumar, S.K. Applied Polymer Materials, 3 4325–4346 (2021)

"Boundary layer description of directional polymer crystallisation." Adhikari, S.; Krauskopf, A.A.; Kumar, S.K.; Thampi, S.P.; Durning, C.J. Soft Matter, 17 7755-7768 (2021)

"Activated Transport in Polymer Grafted Nanoparticle Melts." Jhalaria, M.; Huang, Y.; Ruzicka, E. et al. Macromolecules, 54 6968–6974 (2021)

"Detecting bound polymer layers in attractive polymer–nanoparticle hybrids." Emamy, H.; Starr, F.W.; Kumar, S.K. Nanoscale, 13 12910-12915 (2021)

"Using Nanofiller Assemblies to Control the Crystallization Kinetics of High-Density Polyethylene." Bornani, K.; Rahman, M.A.; Benicewicz, B.; Kumar, S.; Schadler, L. Macromolecules, 54 5673–5682 (2021)

"Quantifying Nanoparticle Assembly States in a Polymer Matrix Through Deep Learning." Qu, E.Z.; Jimenez, A.M.; Kumar, S.K.; Zhang, K. Macromolecules, 54 3034–3040 (2021)

"Colloidal assembly by directional ice templating." Biswas, B.; Misra, M.; Bisht, A.S.; Kumar, S.K., Kumaraswamy, G. Soft Matter, 17 4098-4108 (2021)

"Polymer spherulitic growth kinetics mediated by nanoparticle assemblies." Altorbaq, A.S.; Jimenez, A.M.; Pribyl, J.; Benicewicz, B.; Müller, A.J.; Kumar, S.K. Macromolecules, 54 1063-1072 (2021)

"Direct Relationship between Dispersion and Crystallization Behavior in Poly(ethylene oxide)/Poly(ethylene glycol)-g-Silica Nanocomposites." Wen, X.; Su, Y.; Liu, G.; Li, S.; Müller, A.J.; Kumar, S.K.; Wang, D. Macromolecules, 54 1870-1880 (2021)

"Modeling polymer crystallisation induced by a moving heat sink." Adhikari, S.; Purushothaman, A.; Krauskopf, A.A.; Durning, C.; Kumar, S.K.; Thampi, S.P.; Soft Matter, 17 2518-2529 (2021)



"Compatibilizing Immiscible Polymer Blends with Sparsely Grafted Nanoparticles." Alkhodairi, H.; Russell, S.T.; Pribyl, J.; Benicewicz, B.C.; Kumar, S.K. Macromolecules, 53 10330-10338 (2020)

"Tuning Selectivities in Gas Separation Membranes Based on Polymer-Grafted Nanoparticles." Bilchak, C.R.; Jhalaria, M.; Huang, Y.; Abbas, Z. ACS nano, 14 17174-17183 (2020)

"Polymer Crystallization under Confinement by Well-Dispersed Nanoparticles." Jimenez, A.M.; Altorbaq, A.S.; Müller, A.J.; Kumar, S.K. Macromolecules, 53 10256-10266 (2020)

"Structure of polymer-grafted nanoparticle melts." Midya, J.; Rubinstein, M.; Kumar, S.K.; Nikoubashman, A. ACS nano, 14 15505-15516 (2020)

"Assembly of Polymer-Grafted Nanoparticles in Polymer Matrices." Koh, C.; Grest, G.S.; Kumar, S.K. ACS nano, 14 13491-13499 (2020)

"Structural Properties of Bound Layer in Polymer–Nanoparticle Composites." Emamy, H.; Kumar, S.K.; Starr, F.W. Macromolecules, 53 7845-7850 (2020)

"Engineering Organization of DNA Nano-Chambers through Dimensionally Controlled and Multi-Sequence Encoded Differentiated Bonds." Lin, Z.; Emamy, H.; Minevich, B.; Xiong, Y. et al. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 142 17531-17542 (2020)

"Polymer-Grafted Nanoparticles." Hore, M.J.A.; Korley, L.T.J.; Kumar, S.K. Journal of Applied Physics, 128 030401 (2020)

"Mechanisms of Directional Polymer Crystallization." Krauskopf, A.A.; Jimenez, A.M.; Lewis, E.A.; Vogt, B.D.; Müller, A.J.; Kumar, S.K. ACS Macro Letters, 9 1007-1012 (2020)

"Combinatorial-Entropy-Driven Aggregation in DNA-Grafted Nanoparticles." Sciortino, F.; Zhang, Y.; Gang, O.; Kumar, S.K. ACS Nano, 14 5628-5635 (2020)

"Designing exceptional gas-separation polymer membranes using machine learning." Barnett, J.W.; Bilchak, C.R.; Wang, Y.; Benicewicz, B.C.; Murdock, L.A.; Bereau., T.; Kumar, S.K. Science Advances, 6 (2020)

"Application of Concentrated Solution Theory to the Measurement of Salt Transference Numbers in Ion-Selective Membranes." Vardner, J.T.; Russell, S.T.; Brady, N.W.; Inaba, Y.; Kumar, S.K.; West, A.C. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 167 (2020)

"Synthesis of polyisoprene, polybutadiene and Styrene Butadiene Rubber grafted silica nanoparticles by nitroxide-mediated polymerization." M Bonnevide, M., Phan, T.N.T., Malicki, N., Kumar, S.K., Couty, M., Gigmes, D., Jestin, J. Polymer, 190, 122190 (2020)

"Ordered three-dimensional nanomaterials using DNA-prescribed and valence-controlled material voxels." Tian, Y.; Lhermitte, J.; Bai, L.; Vo, T. et al. Nature Materials, 1-8 (2020)

"Impact of Electrostatic Interactions on the Self-Assembly of Charge-Neutral Block Copolyelectrolytes." Russell, S.; Raghunathan, R.; Jimenez; A.; Zhang, K. et al., Macromolecules, 53, 548-557 (2020)

"Hydration Effects on the Permselectivity-Conductivity Trade-Off in Polymer Electrolytes." Russell, S.; Pereira, R.; Vardner, J.; Jones, G. et al., Macromolecules, 53, 1014-1023 (2020)



"Effects of Hairy Nanoparticles on Polymer Crystallization Kinetics." Jimenez, A.; Krauskopf, A.; Pérez-Camargo, R.; Zhao, D. et al., Macromolecules, 52, 9186-9198 (2019)

"Morphologies of Polyisoprene-Grafted Silica Nanoparticles in Model Elastomers." Bonnevide, M.; Jimenez, A.; Dhara, D. et al., Macromolecules, 52, 7638-7645 (2019)

"Accelerated Local Dynamics in Matrix-Free Polymer Grafted Nanoparticles." Jhalaria, M.; Buenning, E.; Huang, Y. et al., Physical Review Letters, 123, 158003 (2019)

"Nanoparticle Organization by Growing Polyethylene Crystal Fronts." Ning, X.; Jimenez, A.; Pribyl, J. et al., ACS Macro Letters, 8, 1341-1346 (2019)

"Critical Role of Processing on the Mechanical Properties of Cross-Linked Highly Loaded Nanocomposites." Karthika, S.; Chowdhury, A.; Kumar, S.; Kumaraswamy, G., Macromolecules, 52, 5955-5962 (2019)

"Core-Size Dispersity Dominates the Self-Assembly of Polymer-Grafted Nanoparticles in Solution." Bachhar, N.; Kumaraswamy, G.; Kumar, S., Macromolecules, 52, 4888-4894 (2019)

"Reinforcement of polychloroprene by grafted silica nanoparticles." Abbas, Z.; Tawfilas, M.; Khani, M. et al., Polymer, 171, 96-105 (2019)

"High-Frequency Mechanical Behavior of Pure Polymer-Grafted Nanoparticle Constructs." Bilchak, C.; Huang, Y.; Benicewicz, B.; Durning, C.; Kumar, S., ACS Macro Letters, 8, 294-298 (2019)

"Polyethylene Grafted Silica Nanoparticles Prepared via Surface-Initiated ROMP." Pribyl, J.; Benicewicz, B.; Bell, M. et al., ACS Macro Letters, 8, 228-232 (2019)

"Exchange Lifetimes of the Bound Polymer Layer on Silica Nanoparticles." Jimenez, A. ; Zhao, D. ; Misquitta, K. ; Jestin, J. et. al. , ACS Macro Letters, 8, 166-171 (2019)

"Modeling gas transport in polymer-grafted nanoparticle membranes." Barnett, J.; Kumar, S., Soft Matter, 15, 424-432 (2019)

"Unusual packing of soft-shelled nanocubes." Lu, F.; Vo, T.; Zhang, Y; Frenkel, A. et al.; Science Advances, 5, 2375-2548 (2019)



"Diminishing Interfacial Effects with Decreasing Nanoparticle Size in Polymer-Nanoparticle Composites." Emamy, H.; Kumar, S.; Starr, F., Physical Review Letters, 121, 207801 (2018)

"Grafted polymer nanocomposite materials, systems, and methods." Kumar, S.; Durning, C.; Buenning, E.; Bilchak, C.; Benicewicz, B., U.S. Patent App. US 10112143 B2 (2018)

"Accurate estimation of the polymer coverage of hairy nanoparticles." Asai, M. ; Zhao, D. ; Kumar, S. , Soft Matter, 14, 7906-7915 (2018)

"Surface Fluctuations Dominate the Slow Glassy Dynamics of Polymer-Grafted Colloid Assemblies." Asai, M. ; Cacciuto, A. ; Kumar, S. , ACS Central Science, 4, 1179-1184 (2018)

"Location of Imbibed Solvent in Polymer-Grafted Nanoparticle Membranes." Buenning, E. ; Jestin, J. ; Huang, Y. ; Benicewicz, B. et. al. , ACS Macro Letters, 7, 1051-1055 (2018)

"Defining the optimal criterion for separating gases using polymeric membranes." Zhang, K.; Kumar, S., Soft Matter, 14, 9847-9850 (2018)

"Do Very Small POSS Nanoparticles Perturb s-PMMA Chain Conformations?" Jouault, N. ; Kumar, S. ; Smalley, R. ; Chi, C. et. al. , Macromolecules, 51, 5278-5293 (2018)

"Size-dependent penetrant diffusion in polymer glasses" Meng, D. ; Zhang, K. ; Kumar, S. , Soft Matter, 14, 4226-4230 (2018)

"Coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulation of activated penetrant transport in glassy polymers" Zhang, K. ; Meng, D. ; Muller-Plathe, F. ; Kumar, S. , Soft Matter, 14, 440-447 (2018)



"Unexpected thermal annealing effects on the viscosity of polymer nanocomposites." Chen, F. ; Takatsuji, K. ; Zhao, D. ; Yu, X. et. al. , Soft Matter, 13, 5341-5354 (2017)

"Linear rheology of polymer nanocomposites with polymer-grafted nanoparticles." Giovino, M.; Pribyl, J.; Benicewicz, B.; Kumar, S.; Schadler, L., Polymer, 131, 104-110 (2017)

"Perspective: Outstanding theoretical questions in polymer-nanoparticle hybrids." Kumar, S. ; Ganesan, V. ; Riggleman, R. , Journal of Chemical Physics, 147, 020901 (2017)

"Nanoparticle assembly: a perspective and some unanswered questions." Kumar, S. ; Kumaraswamy, G. ; Prasad, B. ; Bandyopadhyaya, R. et. al. , Current Science, 112, 4950-4959 (2017)

"Directionally interacting spheres and rods form ordered phases." Liu, W. ; Mahynski, N. ; Gang, O. ; Panagiotopoulos, A. et. al. , ACS Nano, 11, 4950-4959 (2017)

"Impact of the Distributions of Core Size and Grafting Density on the Self-Assembly of Polymer Grafted Nanoparticles" Bachhar, N. ; Jiao, Y. ; Asai, M. ; Akcora, P. et. al. , Macromolecules, 19, 7730-7738 (2017)

"Polymer-Grafted Nanoparticle Membranes with Controllable Free Volume" Bilchak, C. ; Buenning, E. ; Asai, M. ; Zhang, K. et. al. , Macromolecules, 50, 7111-7120 (2017)

"Molecular Simulations of Solute Transport in Polymer Melts" Zhang, K. ; Kumar, S. , ACS Macro Letters, 6, 864-868 (2017)

"Role of Grafting Mechanism on the Polymer Coverage and Self-Assembly of Hairy Nanoparticles" Asai, M. ; Zhao, D. ; Kumar, S. , ACS Nano, 11, 7028-7035 (2017)

"Tunable Multiscale Nanoparticle Ordering by Polymer Crystallization" Zhao, D. ; Gimenez-Pinto, V. ; Jimenez, A. ; Zhao, L. et. al. , ACS Central Science, 3, 751-758 (2017)

"Effect of filler loading, geometry, dispersion and temperature on thermal conductivity of polymer nanocomposites" Tessema, A. ; Zhao, D. ; Moll, J. ; Xu, S. et. al. , Polymer Testing, 57, 101-106 (2017)

"Using Time-Temperature Superposition for Determining Dielectric Loss in Functionalized Polyethylenes" Misra, M. ; Kumar, S. , ACS Macro Letters, 6, 200-204 (2017)

"50th Anniversary Perspective: Are Polymer Nanocomposites Practical for Applications?" Kumar, S. ; Benicewicz, B. ; Vaia, R. ; Winey, K. , Macromolecules, 50, 714-731 (2017)

"Reentrant equilibrium disordering in nanoparticle-polymer mixtures" Meng, D. ; Kumar, S. ; Grest, G. ; Mahynski, N. et. al. , Computational Materials, 3, 3 (2017)



"Bound layers “cloak” nanoparticles in strongly interacting polymer nanocomposites." Starr, F.; Douglas, J.; Meng, D.; Kumar, S., ACS Nano, 10, 10960-10965 (2016)

"Advanced polymeric dielectrics for high energy density applications." Huan, R.; Boggs, S.; Teyssedre, G. et al., Progress in Materials Science, 83, 236-269 (2016)

"Crazing of nanocomposites with polymer-tethered nanoparticles." Meng, D.; Kumar, S.; Ge, T.; Robbins, M.; Grest, G., The Journal of Chemical Physics, 145, 094902 (2016)

"Pattern-directed phase separation of polymer-grafted nanoparticles in a homopolymer matrix." Zhang, R.; Lee, B.; Bockstaller, M.; Kumar, S. et al.,  Macromolecules , 49, 3965-3974 (2016)

"Effect of micro-cracks on the thermal conductivity of particulate nanocomposite." Tessema, A.; Zhao, D.; Kidane, A.; Kumar, S., Fracture, Fatigue, Failure and Damage Evolution, 8, 89-94 (2016)

"Polymer Chain Behavior in Polymer Nanocomposites with Attractive Interactions" Jouault, N. ; Crawford, M.K. ; Changzai, C. ; Smalley, R.J. et. al. , ACS Macro Letters, 5, 523-527 (2016)

"Grafted Polymer Nanocomposite Materials, Systems, And Methods" Kumar, S. ; Durning, C.J. ; Buenning, E. ; Bilchak, C. , US Patent Office, , 20160101386 (2016)

"Self-Assembly of Monodisperse versus Bidisperse Polymer-Grafted Nanoparticles" Zhao, D. ; Nicola, D.M. ; Khani, M.M. ; Ramprasad, R. et. al. , ACS Macro Letters, 5, 790-795 (2016)

"Critical role of morphology on the dielectric constant of semicrystalline polyolefins" Misra, M. ; Kanakkithodi, A.M. ; Chung, T.C. ; Ramprasad, R. et. al. , The Journal of Chemical Physics, 144, 234905 (2016)

"Role of block copolymer adsorption versus bimodal grafting on nanoparticle self-assembly in polymer nanocomposites" Zhao, D. ; Di Nicola, M. ; Khani, M. M. ; Jestin, J. et. al. , Soft Matter, 12, 7241-7247 (2016)

"Network dynamics in nanofilled polymers" Baeza, G. ; Dessi, C. ; Costanzo, S. ; Zhao, D. et. al. , Nature Communications, 7, 11368 (2016)



"Anisotropic self-assembly of nanoparticles in composites." Akcora, P.; Kumar, S., U.S. Patent 9133314 (2015)

"Stability of Proteins on Hydrophilic Surfaces " Grimaldi, J. ; Radhakrishna, M. ; Kumar, S. ; Belfort, G, Langmuir, 31, 1005-1010 (2015)

"Mechanical Reinforcement of Polymer Nanocomposites from Percolation of a Nanoparticle Network" Chen, Q. ; Gong, S. ; Moll, J. ; Zhao, D. et. al. , ACS Macro Letters, 4, 398-402 (2015)

"Role of Filler Shape and Connectivity on the Viscoelastic Behavior in Polymer Nanocomposites" Zhao, D. ; Ge, S. ; Senses, E. ; Akcora, P. et. al. , Macromolecules, 48, 5433-5438 (2015)

"Dynamic tuning of DNA-nanoparticle superlattices by molecular intercalation of double helix." Pal, S.; Zhang, Y.; Kumar, S.; Gang, O., Journal of the American Chemical Society, 137, 4030-4033 (2015)

"Stability of proteins on hydrophilic surfaces." Grimaldi, J.; Radhakrishna, M.; Kumar, S.; Belfort, G., Langmuir, 31, 1005-1010 (2015)

"Rouse mode analysis of chain relaxation in polymer nanocomposites." Kalathi, J.; Kumar, S.; Rubinstein, M.; Grest, G., Soft Matter, 11, 4123-4132 (2015)

"Tuning polymer architecture to manipulate the relative stability of different colloid crystal morphologies." Mahynski, N.; Kumar, S.; Panagiotopoulos, A., Soft Matter, 11, 5146-5153 (2015)

"Selective transformations between nanoparticle superlattices via the reprogramming of DNA-mediated interactions" Zhang, Y. ; Pal, S. ; Srinivasan, B. ; Vo, T. et. al. , Nature Materials, 14, 840-847 (2015)

"Stoichiometric control of DNA-grafted colloid self-assembly" Vo, T. ; Venkatasubramanian, V. ; Kumar, S. K. ; Srinivasan, B. et. al. , Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112, 4982-4987 (2015)

"Enhanced Glassy State Mechanical Properties of Polymer Nanocomposites via Supramolecular Interactions" Hashemi, Amir ; Jouault, Nicolas ; Williams, Gregory A. ; Zhao, Dan et. al. , Nano Letters, 15, 5465-5471 (2015)

"Quantitative analogy between polymer-grafted nanoparticles and patchy particles" Asai, Makoto ; Cacciuto, Angelo ; Kumar, Sanat K., Soft Matter, 11, 793-797 (2015)

"Relative stability of the FCC and HCP polymorphs with interacting polymers" Mahynski, Nathan A. ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Panagiotopoulos, Athanassios Z., Soft Matter, 11, 280-289 (2015)



"Thin glassy polymer films including spherical nanoparticles." Kysar, J.; Kumar, S.; Fragneaud, B.; Maillard, D., U.S. Patent 8889766 (2014)

"Rational design of all organic polymer dielectrics." Sharma, V.; Wang, C.; Lorenzini, R. et al., Nature Communications, 5, 4845 (2014)

"Rouse mode analysis of chain relaxation in homopolymer melts." Kalathi, J.; Kumar, S.; Rubinstein, M.; Grest, G., Macromolecules, 47, 6925-6931 (2014)

"Surface-Mediated Protein Disaggregation." Radhakrishna, M.; Kumar, S., Langmuir, 30, 3507-3512 (2014)

"Structure and dynamics of octamethyl-POSS nanoparticles." Jalarvo, N.; Gourdon, O.; Ehlers, G.; Tyagi, M.; Kumar, S. et al., The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 118, 5579-5592 (2014)

"Role of Casting Solvent on Nanoparticle Dispersion in Polymer Nanocomposites" Jouault, N. ; Zhao, D. ; Kumar, S. K., Macromolecules, 47, 5246-5255 (2014)

"Controlling the Thermomechanical Behavior of Nanoparticle/Polymer Films" Zhao, D. ; Schneider, D. ; Fytas, G. ; Kumar, S. K., ACS Nano, 8, 8163-8173 (2014)

"Block-Copolymer-Mediated Nanoparticle Dispersion and Assembly in Polymer Nanocomposites" Jouault, Nicolas ; Lee, Danmi ; Zhao, Dan ; Kumar, Sanat K., Advanced Materials, 26, 4031-4036 (2014)

"Computational strategies for polymer dielectrics design" Wang, C.C. ; Pilania, G. ; Boggs, S.A. ; Kumar, S. et. al. , Polymer, 55, 979-988 (2014)

"Enhanced Polymeric Dielectrics through Incorporation of Hydroxyl Groups" Misra, Mayank ; Agarwal, Manish ; Sinkovits, Daniel W. ; Kumar, Sanat K. et. al. , Macromolecules, 47, 1122-1129 (2014)

"Fluctuation-driven anisotropy in effective pair interactions between nanoparticles: Thiolated gold nanoparticles in ethane" Jabes, B. Shadrack ; Yadav, Hari O. S. ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Chakravarty, Charusita, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 141, 154904 (2014)

"Nanoparticle Diffusion in Polymer Nanocomposites" Kalathi, Jagannathan T. ; Yamamoto, Umi ; Schweizer, Kenneth S. ; Grest, Gary S. et. al. , Physical Review Letters, 112, NA (2014)

"Rouse Mode Analysis of Chain Relaxation in Homopolymer Melts" Kalathi, Jagannathan T. ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Rubinstein, Michael ; Grest, Gary S., Macromolecules, 47, 6925-6931 (2014)

"Segmental Dynamics of Polymer Melts with Spherical Nanoparticles" Gong, Shushan ; Chen, Quan ; Moll, Joseph F. ; Kumar, Sanat K. et. al. , ACS Macro Letters, 3, 773-777 (2014)

"Self-assembly of polymer-grafted nanoparticles in thin films" Lafitte, Thomas ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Panagiotopoulos, Athanassios Z., Soft Matter, 10, 786-794 (2014)

"Stabilizing colloidal crystals by leveraging void distributions" Mahynski, Nathan A. ; Panagiotopoulos, Athanassios Z. ; Meng, Dong ; Kumar, Sanat K., Nature Communications, 5, 4472 (2014)

"Surface-Mediated Protein Disaggregation" Radhakrishna, Mithun ; Kumar, Sanat K., Langmuir, 30, 3507-3512 (2014)



"Designing DNA-grafted particles that self-assemble into desired crystalline structures using the genetic algorithm" Srinivasan, B. ; Vo, T. ; Zhang, Y. ; Gang, O. et. al. , Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110, 18431-18435 (2013)

"Effect of hydroxyl-functionalization on the structure and properties of polypropylene." Gupta, S.; Yuan, X.; Chung, T.; Kumar, S. et al., Macromolecules, 46, 5455-5463 (2013)

"Dielectric permittivity enhancement in hydroxyl functionalized polyolefins via cooperative interactions with water." Wang, C.; Pilania, G.; Ramprasad, R. et al., Applied Physics Letters, 102, 152901 (2013)

"A Coarse-Grained Protein Model in a Water-like Solvent" Sharma, Sumit ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Buldyrev, Sergey V. ; Debenedetti, Pablo G. et. al. , Scientific Reports, 3, 1841 (2013)

"Bound Polymer Layer in Nanocomposites" Jouault, Nicolas ; Moll, Joseph F. ; Meng, Dong ; Windsor, Kendra et. al. , ACS Macro Letters, 2, 371-374 (2013)

"Chain Conformation in Polymer Nanocomposites with Uniformly Dispersed Nanoparticles" Crawford, M. K. ; Smalley, R. J. ; Cohen, G. ; Hogan, B. et. al. , Physical Review Letters, 110, NA (2013)

"Dispersing Grafted Nanoparticle Assemblies into Polymer Melts through Flow Fields" Moll, Joseph ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Snijkers, Frank ; Vlassopoulos, Dimitris et. al. , ACS Macro Letters, 2, 1051-1055 (2013)

"Fluctuation-Driven Anisotropic Assembly in Nanoscale Systems" Bozorgui, Behnaz ; Meng, Dong ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Chakravarty, Charusita et. al. , Nano Letters, 13, 2732-2737 (2013)

"Nanocomposites with Polymer Grafted Nanoparticles" Kumar, Sanat K. ; Jouault, Nicolas ; Benicewicz, Brian ; Neely, Tony, Macromolecules, 46, 3199-3214 (2013)

"Reducing Strain and Fracture of Electrophoretically Deposited CdSe Nanocrystal Films. II. Postdeposition Infusion of Monomers" Kramer, Theodore J. ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Steigerwald, Michael L. ; Herman, Irving P., The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 117, 1544-1549 (2013)

"Reducing Strain and Fracture of Electrophoretically Deposited CdSe Nanocrystal Films. I. Postdeposition Infusion of Capping Ligands" Kramer, Theodore J. ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Steigerwald, Michael L. ; Herman, Irving P., The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 117, 1537-1543 (2013)

"Simulating the miscibility of nanoparticles and polymer melts" Meng, Dong ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Cheng, Shengfeng ; Grest, Gary S., Soft Matter, 9, 5417 (2013)

"Stability of Proteins Inside a Hydrophobic Cavity" Radhakrishna, Mithun ; Grimaldi, Joseph ; Belfort, Georges ; Kumar, Sanat K., Langmuir, 29, 8922-8928 (2013)



"Reducing Strain and Fracture of Electrophoretically Deposited CdSe Nanocrystal Films. II. Postdeposition Infusion of Monomers." Kramer, T.; Kumar, S.; Steigerwald, M.; Herman, I., The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 117, 1544-1549 (2012)

"Reducing Strain and Fracture of Electrophoretically Deposited CdSe Nanocrystal Films. I. Postdeposition Infusion of Capping Ligands." Kramer, T.; Kumar, S.; Steigerwald, M.; Herman, I., The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 117, 1537-1543 (2012)

"Design of Protein Sequences which Fold into Secondary Structures using an Explicit Solvent Model" Radhakrishna, Mithun ; Sharma, Sumit ; Kumar, Sanat K., Biophysical Journal, 102, 253a (2012)

"Structure and dynamics of polymer nanocomposites involving chain-grafted spherical nanoparticles." Green, P.; Oh, H.; Akcora, P.; Kumar, S., Dynamics of Soft Matter, 349-366 (2012)

"Effective interactions between grafted nanoparticles in a polymer matrix" Meng, Dong ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; D. Lane, J. Matthew ; Grest, Gary S., Soft Matter, 8, 5002 (2012)

"Effect of thermal stability on protein adsorption to silica using homologous aldo-keto reductases" Felsovalyi, Flora ; Patel, Tushar ; Mangiagalli, Paolo ; Kumar, Sanat K. et. al. , Protein Science, 21, 1113-1125 (2012)

"Enhanced Wang Landau sampling of adsorbed protein conformations" Radhakrishna, Mithun ; Sharma, Sumit ; Kumar, Sanat K., The Journal of Chemical Physics, 136, 114114 (2012)

"Evaluating the Consequences of Adsorption-Induced Structural Perturbations of Proteins" Felsovalyi, Flora ; Mangiagalli, Paolo ; Bureau, Christophe ; Kumar, Sanat et. al. , Biophysical Journal, 102, 43a (2012)

"Glass Transitions in Highly Attractive Highly Filled Polymer Nanocomposites" Moll, Joseph ; Kumar, Sanat K., Macromolecules, 45, 1131-1135 (2012)

"Introduction" Chipara, Mircea ; Ajayan, Pulickel M. ; Meyer, Hendrik ; Kumar, Sanat K. et. al. , Journal of Materials Research, 27, 1325 (2012)

"Mechanical Properties of Thin Glassy Polymer Films Filled with Spherical Polymer-Grafted Nanoparticles" Maillard, Damien ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Fragneaud, Benjamin ; Kysar, Jeffrey W. et. al. , Nano Letters, 12, 3909-3914 (2012)

"Universal Viscosity Behavior of Polymer Nanocomposites" Kalathi, Jagannathan T. ; Grest, Gary S. ; Kumar, Sanat K., Physical Review Letters, 109, NA (2012)



"End grafted polymernanoparticles in a polymeric matrix: Effect of coverage and curvature" Kalb, Joshua ; Dukes, Douglas ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Hoy, Robert S. et. al. , Soft Matter, 7, 1418-1425 (2011)

"Focusing Nanocrystal Size Distributions via Production Control" Clark, Michael D. ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Owen, Jonathan S. ; Chan, Emory M., Nano Letters, 11, 1976-1980 (2011)

"Gelation in semiflexible polymers" Padmanabhan, Venkat ; Kumar, Sanat K., The Journal of Chemical Physics, 134, 174902 (2011)

"Mechanical Reinforcement in Polymer Melts Filled with Polymer Grafted Nanoparticles" Moll, Joseph F. ; Akcora, Pinar ; Rungta, Atri ; Gong, Shushan et. al. , Macromolecules, 44, 7473-7477 (2011)

"Polymer-Grafted-Nanoparticle Surfactants" Maillard, Damien ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Rungta, Atri ; Benicewicz, Brian C. et. al. , Nano Letters, 11, 4569-4573 (2011)

"Reversibility of the Adsorption of Lysozyme on Silica" Felsovalyi, Flora ; Mangiagalli, Paolo ; Bureau, Christophe ; Kumar, Sanat K. et. al. , Langmuir, 27, 11873-11882 (2011)

"Segmental Dynamics in PMMA-Grafted Nanoparticle Composites" Akcora, Pinar ; Harton, Shane E. ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Garcia Sakai, Victoria et. al. , Macromolecules, 44, 416-416 (2011)

"Self-Assembled Superstructures of Polymer-Grafted Nanoparticles: Effects of Particle Shape and Matrix Polymer" Lin, Yung-Lung ; Chiou, Chi-Shiang ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Lin, Jiang-Jen et. al. , The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 115, 5566-5577 (2011)



"Conformational Transitions of Adsorbed Proteins on Surfaces of Varying Polarity" Anand, Gaurav ; Sharma, Sumit ; Dutta, Amit K. ; Kumar, Sanat K. et. al. , Langmuir, 26, 10803-10811 (2010)

"Conformational Transitions of Spherical Polymer Brushes: Synthesis, Characterization, and Theory" Dukes, Douglas ; Li, Yu ; Lewis, Sarah ; Benicewicz, Brian et. al. , Macromolecules, 43, 1564-1570 (2010)

"Controlling DNA Adsorption and Diffusion on Lipid Bilayers by the Formation of Lipid Domains" Athmakuri, Krishna ; Padala, Chakradhar ; Litt, Jeffrey ; Cole, Richard et. al. , Langmuir, 26, 397-401 (2010)

"Current issues in research on structure–property relationships in polymer nanocomposites" Jancar, J. ; Douglas, J.F. ; Starr, F.W. ; Kumar, S.K. et. al. , Polymer, 51, 3321-3343 (2010)

"Excess entropy and structural transitions in a two-dimensional square-shoulder fluid" Singh, Murari ; Liu, Hongjun ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Ganguly, Abir et. al. , The Journal of Chemical Physics, 132, 074503 (2010)

"“Gel-like” Mechanical Reinforcement in Polymer Nanocomposite Melts" Akcora, Pinar ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Moll, Joseph ; Lewis, Sarah et. al. , Macromolecules, 43, 1003-1010 (2010)

"Growth Mechanism of Cadmium Sulfide Nanocrystals" Viswanatha, Ranjani ; Amenitsch, Heinz ; Santra, Sanjitarani ; Sapra, Sameer et. al. , The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 1, 304-308 (2010)

"Immobilized Polymer Layers on Spherical Nanoparticles" Harton, Shane E. ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Yang, Hoichang ; Koga, Tadanori et. al. , Macromolecules, 43, 3415-3421 (2010)

"Nanocomposites: Structure, Phase Behavior, and Properties" Kumar, Sanat K. ; Krishnamoorti, Ramanan, Annual Review of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, 1, 37-58 (2010)

"Segmental Dynamics in PMMA-Grafted Nanoparticle Composites" Akcora, Pinar ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; García Sakai, Victoria ; Li, Yu et. al. , Macromolecules, 43, 8275-8281 (2010)

"Thermal and Structural Stability of Adsorbed Proteins" Sharma, Sumit ; Berne, B.J. ; Kumar, Sanat K., Biophysical Journal, 99, 1157-1165 (2010)

"Universal two-step crystallization of DNA-functionalized nanoparticles" Dai, Wei ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Starr, Francis W., Soft Matter, 6, 6130 (2010)



"Ab initio study of size and strain effects on the electronic properties of Si nanowires" Peng, X.-H. ; Alizadeh, A. ; Kumar, S. K. ; Nayak, S. K., International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 01, 483-499 (2009)

"Anisotropic self-assembly of spherical polymer-grafted nanoparticles" Akcora, Pinar ; Liu, Hongjun ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Moll, Joseph et. al. , Nature Materials, 8, 354-359 (2009)

"Enhancing Protein Stability by Adsorption onto Raftlike Lipid Domains" Litt, Jeffrey ; Padala, Chakradhar ; Asuri, Prashanth ; Vutukuru, Srinavya et. al. , Journal of the American Chemical Society, 131, 7107-7111 (2009)

"Modeling the anisotropic self-assembly of spherical polymer-grafted nanoparticles" Pryamtisyn, Victor ; Ganesan, Venkat ; Panagiotopoulos, Athanassios Z. ; Liu, Hongjun et. al. , The Journal of Chemical Physics, 131, 221102 (2009)

"Polymer Crystallization in Nanocomposites: Spatial Reorganization of Nanoparticles" Khan, Jamil ; Harton, Shane E. ; Akcora, Pinar ; Benicewicz, Brian C. et. al. , Macromolecules, 42, 5741-5744 (2009)

"Role of Distributions of Intramolecular Concentrations on the Dynamics of Miscible Polymer Blends Probed by Molecular Dynamics Simulation" Liu, Wenjuan ; Bedrov, Dmitry ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Veytsman, Boris et. al. , Physical Review Letters, 103, NA (2009)

"Self-Assembly-Induced Protein Crystallization" Liu, Hongjun ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Douglas, Jack F., Physical Review Letters, 103, NA (2009)

"Solvent-mediated pathways to gelation and phase separation in suspensions of grafted nanoparticles" Anyfantakis, Manos ; Vlassopoulos, Dimitris ; Fytas, George ; Giannelis, Emmanuel et. al. , Soft Matter, 5, 4256 (2009)

"Stability of Tethered Proteins" Anand, Gaurav ; Sharma, Sumit ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Belfort, Georges, Langmuir, 25, 4998-5005 (2009)

"Vapor-liquid coexistence of fluids with attractive patches: An application of Wertheim’s theory of association" Liu, Hongjun ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Sciortino, Francesco ; Evans, Glenn T., The Journal of Chemical Physics, 130, 044902 (2009)



"Finite size effects on locating conformational transitions for macromolecules" Sharma, Sumit ; Kumar, Sanat K., The Journal of Chemical Physics, 129, 134901 (2008)

"Mean-field theoretical analysis of brush-coated nanoparticle dispersion in polymer matrices" Harton, Shane E. ; Kumar, Sanat K., Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics, 46, 351-358 (2008)

"Network Effects on the Nonlinear Rheology of Polymer Nanocomposites" Thomin, James D. ; Keblinski, Pawel ; Kumar, Sanat K., Macromolecules, 41, 5988-5991 (2008)

"Nonequilibrium Accumulation of Surface Species and Triboelectric Charging in Single Component Particulate Systems" Lacks, Daniel J. ; Duff, Nathan ; Kumar, Sanat K., Physical Review Letters, 100, NA (2008)

"Phase behavior of semiflexible polymer chains" Padmanabhan, Venkat ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Yethiraj, Arun, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 128, 124908 (2008)

"Polymer chain dynamics at interfaces: Role of boundary conditions at solid interface" Desai, Tapan G. ; Keblinski, Pawel ; Kumar, Sanat K., The Journal of Chemical Physics, 128, 044903 (2008)

"Quantitatively Modeling the Equilibrium Properties of Thiol-Decorated Gold Nanoparticles" Tambasco, Michael ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Szleifer, Igal, Langmuir, 24, 8448-8451 (2008)



"Chain Conformations and Bound-Layer Correlations in Polymer Nanocomposites" Sen, Sudeepto ; Xie, Yuping ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Yang, Hoichang et. al. , Physical Review Letters, 98, NA (2007)

"Computer Simulations of Ionomer Self-Assembly and Dynamics" Goswami, Monojoy ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Bhattacharya, Aniket ; Douglas, Jack F., Macromolecules, 40, 4113-4118 (2007)

"Designed Interfaces in Polymer Nanocomposites: A Fundamental Viewpoint" Schadler, Linda S. ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Benicewicz, Brian C. ; Lewis, Sarah L. et. al. , MRS Bulletin, 32, 335-340 (2007)

"Dynamics of Miscible Polymer Blends: Predicting the Dielectric Response" Shenogin, Sergei ; Kant, Rama ; Colby, Ralph H. ; Kumar, Sanat K., Macromolecules, 40, 5767-5775 (2007)

"Dynamics of Miscible Polymer Blends: Role of Concentration Fluctuations on Characteristic Segmental Relaxation Times" Kumar, Sanat K. ; Shenogin, Sergei ; Colby, Ralph H., Macromolecules, 40, 5759-5766 (2007)

"First-principles investigation of strain effects on the energy gaps in silicon nanoclusters" Peng, X-H ; Alizadeh, A ; Bhate, N ; Varanasi, K K et. al. , Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 19, 266212 (2007)

"First-principles study of the effects of polytype and size on energy gaps in SiC nanoclusters" Peng, X.-H. ; Nayak, S. K. ; Alizadeh, A. ; Varanasi, K. K. et. al. , Journal of Applied Physics, 102, 024304 (2007)

"Influence of stereoerrors on the formation of helices during early stage crystallization of isotactic polyproyplene" Chen, Xiaofeng ; Ozisik, Rahmi ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Choi, Phillip, Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics, 45, 3349-3360 (2007)

"Modeling Diffusion of Adsorbed Polymer with Explicit Solvent" Desai, Tapan G. ; Keblinski, Pawel ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Granick, Steve, Physical Review Letters, 98, NA (2007)

"Molecular Underpinnings of the Mechanical Reinforcement in Polymer Nanocomposites" Sen, Suchira ; Thomin, James D. ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Keblinski, Pawel, Macromolecules, 40, 4059-4067 (2007)

"Molecular Underpinnings of the Mechanical Reinforcement in Polymer Nanocomposites. Volume 40, Number 11, May 29, 2007, pp 4059−4067." Sen, Suchira ; Thomin, James D. ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Keblinski, Pawel, Macromolecules, 40, 4732-4732 (2007)

"Nanostructural features in silica–polyvinyl acetate nanocomposites characterized by small-angle scattering" Narayanan, R. Aravinda ; Thiyagarajan, P. ; Zhu, Ai-Jun ; Ash, Benjamin J. et. al. , Polymer, 48, 5734-5741 (2007)

"The Role of Intefacial Diffuseness on Surface Segregation From Polymer Blends" Kumar, Sanat K. ; Szleifer, Igal, Soft Materials, 5, 75-85 (2007)

"Vapor-liquid coexistence of patchy models: Relevance to protein phase behavior" Liu, Hongjun ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Sciortino, Francesco, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 127, 084902 (2007)



"Analysis of uncertainties in polymer viscoelastic properties obtained from equilibrium computer simulations" Sen, Suchira ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Keblinski, Pawel, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 124, 144909 (2006)

"Computer simulations of the conformations of strongly adsorbed chains at the solid–liquid interface" Desai, Tapan ; Keblinski, Pawel ; Kumar, Sanat K., Polymer, 47, 722-727 (2006)

"Controlling the thermomechanical properties of polymer nanocomposites by tailoring the polymer–particle interface" Bansal, Amitabh ; Yang, Hoichang ; Li, Chunzhao ; Benicewicz, Brian C. et. al. , Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics, 44, 2944-2950 (2006)

"Do Inverse Monte Carlo Algorithms Yield Thermodynamically Consistent Interaction Potentials?" Jain, Sandeep ; Garde, Shekhar ; Kumar, Sanat K., Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 45, 5614-5618 (2006)

"Lipid Mobility Controls the Diffusion of Small Biopolymer Adsorbates" Padala, Chakradhar ; Cole, Richard ; Kumar, Sanat ; Kane, Ravi S., Langmuir, 22, 6750-6753 (2006)

"Molecular-dynamics simulations of the transport properties of a single polymer chain in two dimensions" Desai, Tapan G. ; Keblinski, Pawel ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Granick, Steve, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 124, 084904 (2006)

"Monte Carlo simulations of the crystallization of isotactic polypropylene" Chen, Xiaofeng ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Ozisik, Rahmi, Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics, 44, 3453-3460 (2006)

"Multiscale modeling of polymer rheology" De, Subhranil ; Fish, Jacob ; Shephard, Mark S. ; Keblinski, Pawel et. al. , Physical Review E, 74, NA (2006)

"Nature of the breakdown in the Stokes-Einstein relationship in a hard sphere fluid" Kumar, Sanat K. ; Szamel, Grzegorz ; Douglas, Jack F., The Journal of Chemical Physics, 124, 214501 (2006)

"Strain-engineered photoluminescence of silicon nanoclusters" Peng, X.-H. ; Ganti, S. ; Alizadeh, A. ; Sharma, P. et. al. , Physical Review B, 74, NA (2006)



"Direct determination of phase behavior of square-well fluids" Liu, Hongjun ; Garde, Shekhar ; Kumar, Sanat, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 123, 174505 (2005)

"Equilibrium Phase Behavior of Polybutadiene/Polyisoprene Films: Binodals and Spinodals" Reister, Ellen ; Müller, Marcus ; Kumar, Sanat K., Macromolecules, 38, 5158-5169 (2005)

"Lattice Monte Carlo Simulations of Chain Conformations in Polymer Nanocomposites" Ozmusul, Murat S. ; Picu, Catalin R. ; Sternstein, S. S. ; Kumar, Sanat K., Macromolecules, 38, 4495-4500 (2005)

"Mesoscale model of polymer melt structure: Self-consistent mapping of molecular correlations to coarse-grained potentials" Ashbaugh, Henry S. ; Patel, Harshit A. ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Garde, Shekhar, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 122, 104908 (2005)

"Molecular dynamics simulations of polymer transport in nanocomposites" Desai, Tapan ; Keblinski, Pawel ; Kumar, Sanat K., The Journal of Chemical Physics, 122, 134910 (2005)

"Novel Scaling Laws for Band Gaps of Quantum Dots" Peng, Xihong ; Ganti, Surya ; Sharma, Pradeep ; Alizadeh, Azar et. al. , Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 2, 469-472 (2005)

"Quantitative equivalence between polymer nanocomposites and thin polymer films" Bansal, Amitabh ; Yang, Hoichang ; Li, Chunzhao ; Cho, Kilwon et. al. , Nature Materials, 4, 693-698 (2005)

"Viscoelastic Properties of Polymer Melts from Equilibrium Molecular Dynamics Simulations" Sen, Suchira ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Keblinski, Pawel, Macromolecules, 38, 650-653 (2005)



"Effect of the Hydrophilic Size on the Structural Phases of Aqueous Nonionic Gemini Surfactant Solutions" Nieh, Mu-Ping ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Fernando, Raymond H. ; Colby, Ralph H. et. al. , Langmuir, 20, 9061-9068 (2004)

"Miscible Polymer Blend Dynamics: Double Reptation Predictions of Linear Viscoelasticity in Model Blends of Polyisoprene and Poly(vinyl ethylene)" Pathak, Jai A. ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Colby, Ralph H., Macromolecules, 37, 6994-7000 (2004)

"Modeling diffusion in miscible polymer blend films" Indrakanti, Ananth ; Ramesh, Narayan ; Duda, J. Larry ; Kumar, Sanat K., The Journal of Chemical Physics, 121, 546 (2004)

"Multiscale Modeling of the Surfactant Mediated Synthesis and Supramolecular Assembly of Cobalt Nanodots" Adhikari, Narayan P. ; Peng, Xihong ; Alizadeh, Azar ; Ganti, Surya et. al. , Physical Review Letters, 93, NA (2004)

"Phase Behavior of Ultrathin Polymer Mixtures" Jones, Ronald L. ; Indrakanti, Ananth ; Briber, Robert M. ; Müller, Marcus et. al. , Macromolecules, 37, 6676-6679 (2004)



"Competing Ranges of Attractive and Repulsive Interactions in the Micellization of Model Surfactants" Salaniwal, Sumeet ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Panagiotopoulos, A. Z., Langmuir, 19, 5164-5168 (2003)

"Dynamic Heterogeneity in Miscible Polymer Blends with Stiffness Disparity: Computer Simulations Using the Bond Fluctuation Model" Kamath, Sudesh ; Colby, Ralph H. ; Kumar, Sanat K., Macromolecules, 36, 8567-8573 (2003)

"Evidence for dynamic heterogeneities in computer simulations of miscible polymer blends" Kamath, Sudesh Y. ; Colby, Ralph H. ; Kumar, Sanat K., Physical Review E, 67, NA (2003)

"Macromolecules at surfaces: Research challenges and opportunities from tribology to biology" Granick, Steve ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Amis, Eric J. ; Antonietti, Markus et. al. , Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics, 41, 2755-2793 (2003)

"Monte Carlo Study of Coulombic Criticality in Polyelectrolytes" Orkoulas, G. ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Panagiotopoulos, Athanassios Z., Physical Review Letters, 90, NA (2003)

"What Length Scales Control the Dynamics of Miscible Polymer Blends?" Kant, Rama ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Colby, Ralph H., Macromolecules, 36, 10087-10094 (2003)



"Amorphous Solidification in Polymer-Platelet Nanocomposites" Salaniwal, Sumeet ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Douglas, Jack F., Physical Review Letters, 89, NA (2002)

"Computer Simulations of Local Concentration Variations in Miscible Polymer Blends" Salaniwal, Sumeet ; Kant, Rama ; Colby, Ralph H. ; Kumar, Sanat K., Macromolecules, 35, 9211-9218 (2002)

"Micellization and Phase Separation of Diblock and Triblock Model Surfactants" Panagiotopoulos, Athanassios Z. ; Floriano, M. Antonio ; Kumar, Sanat K., Langmuir, 18, 2940-2948 (2002)

"Thermodynamic signature of the onset of caged dynamics in glass-forming liquids" Kamath, Sudesh ; Colby, Ralph H. ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Baschnagel, Jörg, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 116, 865 (2002)



"Chain Conformation in Ultrathin Polymer Films Using Small-Angle Neutron Scattering" Jones, Ronald L. ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Ho, Derek L. ; Briber, Robert M. et. al. , Macromolecules, 34, 559-567 (2001)

"Comment on “Interfacial Properties of Polymeric Liquids”" Kumar, Sanat K. ; Jones, Ronald L., Physical Review Letters, 87, NA (2001)

"Dominance of density variations in determining the molecular weight dependence of surface tensions of polymer melts" Kumar, S, Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 94, 33-38 (2001)

"Gelation in Physically Associating Polymer Solutions" Kumar, Sanat K. ; Douglas, Jack F., Physical Review Letters, 87, NA (2001)

"The Critical Role of Solvent Evaporation on the Roughness of Spin-Cast Polymer Films" Strawhecker, Kenneth E. ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Douglas, Jack F. ; Karim, Alamgir, Macromolecules, 34, 4669-4672 (2001)



"A Theoretical Study of Isotope Blends: No Concentration Dependence of the SANS χ Parameter" Melenkevitz, James ; Crist, Buckley ; Kumar, Sanat K., Macromolecules, 33, 6869-6877 (2000)

"Pressure Effects on the Thermodynamics of Polymer Blends" Kumar, Sanat K., Macromolecules, 33, 5285-5291 (2000)



"Large Lattice Discretization Effects on the Phase Coexistence of Ionic Fluids" Panagiotopoulos, Athanassios Z. ; Kumar, Sanat K., Physical Review Letters, 83, 2981-2984 (1999)

"Relationship between Internal Energy and Volume Change of Mixing in Pressurized Polymer Blends" Lefebvre, A. A. ; Lee, J. H. ; Balsara, N. P. ; Hammouda, B. et. al. , Macromolecules, 32, 5460-5462 (1999)

"Segmental dynamics of miscible polymer blends: Comparison of the predictions of a concentration fluctuation model to experiment" Kamath, Sudesh ; Colby, Ralph H. ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Karatasos, Kostas et. al. , The Journal of Chemical Physics, 111, 6121 (1999)

"Thermodynamics of Reversibly Associating Polymer Solutions" Kumar, Sanat K. ; Panagiotopoulos, Athanassios Z., Physical Review Letters, 82, 5060-5063 (1999)



"A molecular dynamics study of intermolecular structure, thermodynamics and miscibility in hydrocarbon polymers" Maranas, Janna K. ; Mondello, Maurizio ; Grest, Gary S. ; Kumar, Sanat et. al. , Computers & Chemical Engineering, 22, S19-S26 (1998)

"Chain-packing effects in the thermodynamics of polymers" Londono, J. D. ; Maranas, J. K. ; Mondello, M. ; Habenschuss, A. et. al. , Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics, 36, 3001-3005 (1998)

"Liquid Structure, Thermodynamics, and Mixing Behavior of Saturated Hydrocarbon Polymers. 1. Cohesive Energy Density and Internal Pressure" Maranas, Janna K. ; Mondello, Maurizio ; Grest, Gary S. ; Kumar, Sanat K. et. al. , Macromolecules, 31, 6991-6997 (1998)

"Liquid Structure, Thermodynamics, and Mixing Behavior of Saturated Hydrocarbon Polymers. 2. Pair Distribution Functions and the Regularity of Mixing" Maranas, Janna K. ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Debenedetti, Pablo G. ; Graessley, William W. et. al. , Macromolecules, 31, 6998-7002 (1998)

"Phase behavior of associating liquid mixtures" Kotelyanskii, Michael ; Veytsman, Boris ; Kumar, Sanat K., Physical Review E, 58, R12-R15 (1998)

"Phase-Separation-Induced Surface Patterns in Thin Polymer Blend Films" Karim, A. ; Slawecki, T. M. ; Kumar, S. K. ; Douglas, J. F. et. al. , Macromolecules, 31, 857-862 (1998)

"Rheology of Miscible Blends: SAN and PMMA " Pathak, Jai A. ; Colby, Ralph H. ; Kamath, Sudesh Y. ; Kumar, Sanat K. et. al. , Macromolecules, 31, 8988-8997 (1998)

"Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Studies on Thin Films of Isotopic Polystyrene Blends" Ho, D. L. ; Briber, R. M. ; Jones, R. L. ; Kumar, S. K. et. al. , Macromolecules, 31, 9247-9252 (1998)

"Surface Transitions for Confined Associating Mixtures" Kotelyanskii, Michael ; Kumar, Sanat K., Physical Review Letters, 80, 1252-1255 (1998)



"Computer Simulations of the Static Scattering from Model Polymer Blends" Cui, S. T. ; Cochran, H. D. ; Cummings, P. T. ; Kumar, S. K., Macromolecules, 30, 3375-3382 (1997)

"Computer Simulations on the Free Energies and Phase Diagrams of Asymmetrically Interacting Blends" Kumar, Sanat K., Macromolecules, 30, 5085-5095 (1997)

"End Group Effects on Surface Properties of Polymers: Semiempirical Calculations and Comparison to Experimental Surface Tensions for α,ω-Functional Poly(dimethylsiloxanes)" Jalbert, Claire ; Koberstein, Jeffrey T. ; Hariharan, Arvind ; Kumar, Sanat K., Macromolecules, 30, 4481-4490 (1997)

"Intramolecular Screening Effects in Polymer Mixtures. 1. Hydrogen-Bonded Polymer Blends" Painter, P. C. ; Veytsman, B. ; Kumar, S. ; Shenoy, S. et. al. , Macromolecules, 30, 932-942 (1997)

"Is Compressibility Important in the Thermodynamics of Polymer Mixtures?" Kumar, Sanat K. ; Veytsman, Boris A. ; Maranas, Janna K. ; Crist, Buckley, Physical Review Letters, 79, 2265-2268 (1997)

"The one that got away" Russell, Thomas P. ; Kumar, Sanat K., Nature, 386, 771-772 (1997)



"Computer simulation study of the approximations associated with the generalized Flory theories" Kumar, Sanat K. ; Szleifer, Igal ; Hall, Carol K. ; Wichert, John M., The Journal of Chemical Physics, 104, 9100 (1996)

"Concentration fluctuation induced dynamic heterogeneities in polymer blends" Kumar, Sanat K. ; Colby, Ralph H. ; Anastasiadis, Spiros H.; Fytas, George. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 105, 3777 (1996)



"Athermal stiffness blends: A comparison of Monte Carlo simulations and integral equation theory" Weinhold, Jeffrey D. ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Singh, Chandralekha ; Schweizer, Kenneth S., The Journal of Chemical Physics, 103, 9460 (1995)

"Mixing properties of model polymer/solvent systems" Sheng, Y.-J. ; Panagiotopoulos, A. Z. ; Kumar, S. K., The Journal of Chemical Physics, 103, 10315 (1995)

"Monte Carlo simulations of phase equilibria for a lattice homopolymer model" Mackie, Allan D. ; Panagiotopoulos, Athanassios Z. ; Kumar, Sanat K., The Journal of Chemical Physics, 102, 1014 (1995)

"Near surface alignment of polymers in rubbed films" Toney, Michael F. ; Russell, Thomas P. ; Logan, J. Anthony ; Kikuchi, Hirotsugu et. al. , Nature, 374, 709-711 (1995)

"Size Dependence of Transfer Free Energies. 1. A Flory-Huggins Approach" Kumar, Sanat K. ; Szleifer, Igal ; Sharp, Kim ; Rossky, Peter J. et. al. , The Journal of Physical Chemistry, 99, 8382-8391 (1995)

"The effects of local stiffness disparity on the surface segregation from binary polymer blends" Kumar, Sanat K. ; Yethiraj, Arun ; Schweizer, Kenneth S. ; Leermakers, Frans A. M., The Journal of Chemical Physics, 103, 10332 (1995)

"Thermodynamic properties of a coarse-grained model of hydrocarbon polymers. Computer simulations on articulated chain structures" Kacker, Nishant ; Weinhold, Jeffrey D. ; Kumar, Sanat K., Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions, 91, 2457 (1995)



"Chemical potentials of polymer blends from Monte Carlo simulations: consequences on SANS-determined .chi. parameters" Kumar, Sanat K., Macromolecules, 27, 260-271 (1994)

"Constant-Pressure Monte Carlo Simulations for Lattice Models" Mackie, A. D ; Panagiotopoulos, A. Z ; Frenkel, D ; Kumar, S. K, Europhysics Letters (EPL), 27, 549-554 (1994)

"Critical temperature shifts in thin polymer blend films" Tang, Hai ; Szleifer, Igal ; Kumar, Sanat K., The Journal of Chemical Physics, 100, 5367 (1994)

"Monte Carlo calculation of phase equilibria for a bead-spring polymeric model" Sheng, Yu Jane ; Panagiotopoulos, Athanassios Z. ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Szleifer, Igal, Macromolecules, 27, 400-406 (1994)

"Monte Carlo simulations of end-grafted polymer matrices under poor solvent conditions" Weinhold, Jeffrey D. ; Kumar, Sanat K., The Journal of Chemical Physics, 101, 4312 (1994)

"Monte Carlo simulations of the free surface of polymer melts" Kumar, Sanat K. ; Russell, Thomas P. ; Hariharan, Arvind, Chemical Engineering Science, 49, 2899-2906 (1994)

"Phase transitions in thin films of symmetric binary polymer mixtures" Kumar, Sanat K. ; Tang, Hai ; Szleifer, Igal, Molecular Physics, 81, 867-872 (1994)



"Free surfaces of polymer blends. II. Effects of molecular weight and applications to asymmetric polymer blends" Hariharan, Arvind ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Russell, Thomas P., The Journal of Chemical Physics, 99, 4041 (1993)

"Free surfaces of polymer blends. I. Theoretical framework and application to symmetric polymer blends" Hariharan, Arvind ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Russell, Thomas P., The Journal of Chemical Physics, 98, 6516 (1993)

"Reversal of the isotopic effect in the surface behavior of binary polymer blends" Hariharan, Arvind ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Russell, Thomas P., The Journal of Chemical Physics, 98, 4163 (1993)

"The effect of finite film thickness on the surface segregation in symmetric binary polymer mixtures" Hariharan, Arvind ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Rafailovich, Miriam H. ; Sokolov, Jonathan et. al. , The Journal of Chemical Physics, 99, 656 (1993)



"A modified real particle method for the calculation of the chemical potentials of molecular systems" Kumar, Sanat K., The Journal of Chemical Physics, 97, 3550 (1992)

"Configuration of grafted polystyrene chains in the melt: Temperature and concentration dependence" Zhao, X. ; Zhao, W. ; Zheng, X. ; Rafailovich, M. H. et. al. , Physical Review Letters, 69, 776-779 (1992)

"Kumar, Szleifer, and Panagiotopoulos reply" Kumar, S. K. ; Szleifer, I. ; Panagiotopoulos, A. Z., Physical Review Letters, 68, 3658-3658 (1992)

"The chain length dependence of the chemical potentials of macromolecular systems at zero density: Exact calculations and Monte Carlo simulations" Kumar, Sanat K., The Journal of Chemical Physics, 96, 1490 (1992)



"A lattice model for interphases in binary semicrystalline/amorphous polymer blends. 2. Effects of tight fold energy" Kumar, Sanat K. ; Yoon, Do Y., Macromolecules, 24, 5414-5420 (1991)

"Behavior of isotopic, binary polymer blends in the vicinity of neutral surfaces: the effects of chain-length disparity" Kumar, Sanat K. ; Russell, Thomas P., Macromolecules, 24, 3816-3820 (1991)

"Conformation of Grafted Polystyrene Chains in a Melt" Zhao, X ; Zhao, W ; Rafailovich, M. H ; Sokolov, J et. al. , Europhysics Letters (EPL), 15, 725-730 (1991)

"Crystal-amorphous interphases in binary polymer blends" Runt, James P. ; Barron, Catherine A. ; Zhang, Xiu Fang ; Kumar, Sanat K., Macromolecules, 24, 3466-3468 (1991)

"Crystal-amorphous interphases in binary semicrystalline/amorphous polymer blends" Yoon, D. Y. ; Ando, Y. ; Rojstaczer, S. ; Kumar, S. K. et. al. , Makromolekulare Chemie. Macromolecular Symposia, 50, 183-190 (1991)

"Determination of the chemical potentials of polymeric systems from Monte Carlo simulations" Kumar, Sanat K. ; Szleifer, Igal ; Panagiotopoulos, Athanasios Z., Physical Review Letters, 66, 2935-2938 (1991)

"Surface segregation in binary polymer mixtures: a lattice model" Hariharan, Arvind ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Russell, Thomas P., Macromolecules, 24, 4909-4917 (1991)



"A lattice model for the surface segregation of polymer chains due to molecular weight effects" Hariharan, Arvind ; Kumar, Sanat K. ; Russell, Thomas P., Macromolecules, 23, 3584-3592 (1990)

"Off-lattice Monte Carlo simulations of polymer melts confined between two plates. 2. Effects of chain length and plate separation" Kumar, Sanat K. ; Vacatello, Michele ; Yoon, Do Y., Macromolecules, 23, 2189-2197 (1990)



"Lattice model for crystal-amorphous interphases in lamellar semicrystalline polymers: effects of tight-fold energy and chain incidence density" Kumar, Sanat K. ; Yoon, Do Y., Macromolecules, 22, 3458-3465 (1989)

"Lattice model for interphases in binary semicrystalline/amorphous polymer blends" Kumar, Sanat K. ; Yoon, Do Y., Macromolecules, 22, 4098-4101 (1989)



"Measurement and model prediction of solubilities of pure fatty acids, pure triglycerides, and mixtures of triglycerides in supercritical carbon dioxide" Bamberger, Thomas ; Erickson, John C. ; Cooney, Charles L. ; Kumar, Sanat K., Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 33, 327-333 (1988)

"Off-lattice Monte Carlo simulations of polymer melts confined between two plates" Kumar, Sanat K. ; Vacatello, Michele ; Yoon, Do Y., The Journal of Chemical Physics, 89, 5206 (1988)



"A statistical mechanics based lattice model equation of state" Kumar, Sanat K. ; Suter, Ulrich W. ; Reid, Robert C., Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 26, 2532-2542 (1987)

"Solubility of polystyrene in supercritical fluids" Kumar, Sanat K. ; Chhabria, Sanjay P. ; Reid, Robert C. ; Suter, Ulrich W., Macromolecules, 20, 2550-2557 (1987)



"Fractionation of polymers with supercritical fluids" Kumar, Sanat K. ; Suter, Ulrich W. ; Reid, Robert C., Fluid Phase Equilibria, 29, 373-382 (1986)